This course will be taught by a seasoned, licensed, law enforcement UAS pilot with years of practical public agency experience. The instructor will provide your agency with information regarding the latest laws, rules, and regulations, and will assist you in building a professionally trained, certified and well-managed public agency drone program. Topics Covered: 1. Federal Regulations and Laws - The Federal Aviation Administration - Certificate of Authorization (COA) Development - Drone Registration and Markings - Airspace - Coordination with Air Traffic Control - Drone Software Restrictions - Federal, State and Case Law Pertaining to Drone Use - Pre-Flight, Flight, and Post-Flight Rules and Procedures 2. Agency’s Program - Finding a Drone for YOUR Organization - Best Practices - Agency Drone Policy - Training Requirements - Inspections and Maintenance - Battery Disposal - Flight Crew Considerations - Safety Management System - Communications Architecture 3. Basic Flight Training - Basic Flight Training - Familiarization with controls and functions - National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Basic UAS Course - Day time camera use, techniques practical application - Emergency procedures practical application - Night flights and use of Forward Looking Infrared (FLIR) practical application
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